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event.preventDefault(); // inside event callbacks 'this' is the DOM element so we first // wrap it in a jQuery object and then invoke ajaxSubmit $('#ORDER_FORM_ID_NEW').ajaxSubmit(options); // !!! Important !!! // always return false to prevent standard browser submit and page navigation return false; }); $('#index_confirm').live("click",function(event){ submitForm(); //console.log($('#fine').attr('value')); }); //$('#fine').trigger('click'); //console.log($('#fine').attr('value')); $('#buy').click(function(){ var ch = $('#buy').attr("checked") if(!ch) $('#but_zak').attr("disabled","disabled") else $('#but_zak').removeAttr("disabled") }) /*$('ul#left_menu > li > a').click(function(){ var ul = $(this).next('ul'); if(ul.size() != 0){ ul.slideToggle(200); return false; } }); //$('div#left-column ul#left-menu li ul li a').unbind(); $('ul#left_menu > li > ul > li > a').click(function(){ var ul = $(this).next('ul'); if(ul.size() != 0){ ul.slideToggle(200); return false; } }); //$('div#left-column ul#left-menu li ul li ul li a').unbind(); $('ul#left_menu > li > ul > li > ul > li > a').click(function(){ var ul = $(this).next('ul'); if(ul.size() != 0){ ul.slideToggle(200); return false; } });*/ /*rarus add*/ if(!$('#left-column').length) $('#middle-column-content').css('margin-left', 0); if(!$('#right-column').length) $('#middle-column-content').css('margin-right', 0); $('.box-vote .vote').click(function(e){ var thisBox = $(this); $.post('/ajaxVote.php',{vote:$(this).attr('id')}, function(data){ $(thisBox).parents('.box-vote').replaceWith(data); }); e.stopPropagation(); }); /*END rarus add*/ });